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3dr    3D Rotate User Manual

The Menus



The Menu Bar is at the top of the Main window, directly under the Title Bar:




The commands can be invoked by navigating through the menus or by pressing the keys corresponding to the two-key “shortcuts” which appear on the menus to the right of the individual commands.  If there is no shortcut for a command, you still have the option of using the Command Line to enter the command’s name, or to hold down the Alt key while pressing the letter which is underlined in each menu item.  For example, to invoke the command to open a file, which corresponds to the menu item File | Open, you can hold down the Alt key and type F, and then press the O key.


The chart on page 10 shows all the ways in which each command in 3D Rotate can be invoked.


The individual menus are as follows:


File Menu



                                                                                                                                File | Open             Opens an existing file


                                                                                                                                File | Save             Saves an open file


                                                                                                                                File | Close            Closes the open file


                                                                                                                                File | Exit                Exits the application


                                                                                                                                File | Set Default Directory                Sets the default

                                                                                                                                       directory for opening and saving symbol files



Edit Menu



                                                                                                Edit | Undo            Undoes operations which have been performed


                                                                                                Edit | Redo            Redoes operations which have been undone


                                                                                                Edit | Refresh       Refreshes the screen display


                                                                                                Edit | Delete          Deletes the selected objects


                                                                                                Edit | Toggle         Toggles the background color between black and white


                                                                                                Edit | Screen Color     Sets the background color to any color selected


                                                                                                Edit | Set Object Color       Change the display color of objects on screen


                                                                                                More information on the Edit Tools is found in Section 5 of this Manual.